Project value: EUR 12.0 million
Funding source: private investment
Address: 6 Otamaniv Sokolovskykh Str., Zhytomyr
35.2% of the area of the Zhytomyr oblast of Ukraine is covered in forests. The total area of forest land is 1,094.4 thousand hectares, and the region’s overall stock of forest enterprises is 164.2 million m3.
Additionally, agricultural businesses utilise more than 550,000 hectares of land for crop production in the Zhytomyr oblast. About 40% of agricultural residues, which are left after harvesting the crops, are simply burned.
The region’s resource potential provides an opportunity for the development of bioenergy and the replacement of natural gas, including in the district heating system in Zhytomyr.
We offer the investment project “Supply and installation of a biomass-fuelled combined heat and power plant (rehabilitation of district boiler house RK-11 by installing a biomass-fuelled CHP at the address: 6 Otamaniv Sokolovskykh Str., Zhytomyr)”.
Plant capacity:
Taking into account the current legislation of Ukraine as well as the current tariff for district heating services in Zhytomyr, the city is ready to purchase: