The municipal institution “City Development Agency” of the Zhytomyr City Council together with the Department of Economic Development of the Zhytomyr City Council announce the start of the implementation of the “EXPORT SCHOOL” project.

The first stage of the project is the organization and conduct (during June-July 2023) of training for 30 representatives of local businesses (production sector) that are planning or have already started export activities.

The purpose of the “SCHOOL OF EXPORT” training program is to increase the level of institutional capacity of local small and medium-sized businesses in matters of conducting foreign economic activity (forming, consolidating and improving knowledge/skills of conducting foreign economic activity).

More details about the training program and the registration form for the training course can be found at the link: https://docs.google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFLx7V87a-zbadUK57Fcl8aTOGJ0ZxXJqLbvIHpYgCSfc0qw/viewform

The next stages of the “EXPORT SCHOOL” project will be:

  • providing individual consultations on export activities;
  • experience exchange program with successful local companies and entrepreneurs;
  • supporting the participation of local enterprises in international and national exhibitions, trade missions, fairs, etc.;
  • providing technical assistance to local entrepreneurs in establishing external business relations.



The “EXPORT SCHOOL” project is implemented within the framework of a grant competition for systemic support of small and medium-sized enterprises, which is implemented by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, as part of a wider international cooperation program “EU4Business: recovery, competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs“, jointly financed by the European Union and the German government and is implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program is aimed at supporting economic stability, recovery and growth of Ukraine, creating better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting innovation and exports. More details: www.eu4business.org.ua.

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